Friday, March 26, 2010

Walking Tour of Oxford

Today we went on a walking tour of Oxford for our first full day. Debbie was our tour guide and informed us that she was "a townie and not a gownie." She showed us the Bodelian library, took us into Exter College's Chapel (very pretty), and pointed us towards shops useful and cheap for necessities.

After Debbie was done we all grabbed a quick bite to eat, and prepared for our Bodelian introduction. At the Bodelian Library, a librarian told us the history of the library. It was founded by Thomas Bodely because the University did not have a library shared by each College (each College had its own library). What is really neat about the Bodelian Library is a deal that was made at the library's beginnings. Every book published in the United Kingdom has to be given to the library first; each Wednesday the library receives around 5000 books! Right now their collection holds about 10 million books. Some books are stored off location, so you have to wait 3 to 4 days for them. Other books that are stored underground, the librarians will find and send to you in 3 to 4 hours.

At the library we had to swear an oath in our "native tongue" that we would not take books from the library (it's not a lending library) or burn the library down. I  agreed to this and received a library card with my picture so I can now go in there whenever I want. The library is just for students and professors. Some areas people can pay to go in and look at (like where Harry Potter was filmed).

One more fact about the Bodelian- they have a letter from King Charles I asking for a book, and the head librarian refused the King. So not even the royal family gets to borrow books from the library. It truly is not a lending library!


  1. Sounds like fun! I love living vicariously through you!

  2. My father would stay in that library ALL day. His whole trip would be centered around that building. Can't wait to tell him the fun facts you shared. -shar

    Post pics!
