Sunday, May 16, 2010


Busy Weekend! I worked in the library for a few hours on Saturday and ended up meeting Matt for a little while and a walk around Oxford, but today Rachel and I went to Avebury.

Avebury is a stone henge (like Stonehenge) where you can touch the stones and walk among them. It circles a small village (like 15 buildings-very small!). On the outskirts of Avebury there is a mound, Silbury Hill, and a burrow grave near the mound. I particularly liked the passage grave because I have being studying different tumulus (meaning a barrow or mound) burials in my archaeology classes. It was especially neat to get to wander in one.

I had a great time despite the weather. It managed not to pour while we were hiking, but it was still a cold, damp, misty day. I had to wear an undershirt, long-sleeved shirt and short-sleeved shirt with my rain parka! I had my bandana to put around my head to keep my ears warm and even when it wasn't raining Rachel and I kept our hoods up to protect us from the wind. All I had were my sneakers to wear on my feet but luckily I brought extra socks to change into for the way home. It was an easy hike and I only slipped once!

Getting to Avebury is not easy. We had to take 2 trains and a bus-lots of travel time and the bus ride made me very motion sick. My feet were so cold and wet when I got home at 6 that I jumped right in the shower to warm up.

Traveling pics:

Here are some pictures of the stone henge:

Silbury Hill:

Hiking pictures. We just walked through people's fields to get around the stones and to get to the passage grave.

Some gross bugs dive bombed us while we had to walk along a river to the passage grave. Luckily I had my bandana and could keep them from entering my mouth and nose!

Here are some pictures of the burrow grave:

A pub while we waited for our bus to pick us back up.

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