Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eighth Week

Well it was another  busy week here in Oxford. I had two papers due this week. Neither one of my tutorials went very smoothly. I think my lack of sleep affected my ability to think of explanations (for why Celtic peoples did this, why the Romano-British villas differ etc).

I did make one of my tutors laugh. She told my other tutor (Wendy, on Fridays) that it was refreshing to hear an honest answer. Zena asked me how I found the topic (Villas in Roman Britain). I told her I though it was dull and boring (apparently most people don't just admit that out loud).

My Celtic tutorial with Wendy was really awkward. She did that stare-at-you-until-you-sweat stare that apparently is very popular with Oxford tutors (from comparisons with my housemates). I can't handle the staring; it makes me talk in circles because it takes forever for your tutor to reply to your answer. I guess they are waiting to see if you come up with anything else, but when I finish talking that's usually all I have to say (I like to put it all out there at once).

This weekend I went to the Lake District with my friends. More on that to follow (with pictures).


  1. That "stare at you till you talk" is one employed by officers of the law, I am told. We don't like a silent space. Can't believe you are approaching the end of you Oxford experience. Just wonderful.
    Love, Aunt Bubble

  2. I'll have to keep the "Stare Till You Talk" technique in mind once the boys are teenagers...
