Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sixth Week

Halfway through my time at Oxford! Yikes, I don't ever want to leave!

This week was pretty hectic (aren't they all, though?). I had two papers due this week. I had my first paper due for my Roman Britain tutorial and I had my first graded paper due for my pre-Celtic and Celtic archaeology tutorial. I spent a lot of time on my Roman Britain paper and had it ready to turn in by 5 pm Wednesday. My tutorial was at noon the next day. I (of course) arrived a good 30 minutes early. So I took the opportunity and wandered around Magdalen College. They have a deer park there so I watched the deer roam around for a while. I saw an albino deer-apparently they are really inbred. My tutorial was really good. Zena liked my paper and we had a good discussion on Roman and "Celtic" religion during Roman Britain.

After my tutorial I had to go write my paper for my other class. It was due at midnight and I had a major class of writer's block. I kept skyping Mom about every 30 minutes more to tell how many words I had left. However, in class the next day Wendy said she really liked my paper, so I guess spending 10 hours writing it was worth it.

Friday night we had another group dinner-Mexican Night! And I volunteered to cook (never a good decision). After cooking for 3 hours and making copious amounts of Mexican food we were finally done. And then the cooking staff decided to go out for a drink because it was due. So the five of us (Barrett, Nicole, Rachel, Andrea and me!) went out to a bar with the Director of the UGA at Oxford program, Kalpen Triveldi. It was fun because Kalpen had a lot of funny stories from past events. After that I came back and tried to stay up as late as possible so that I could sleep in tomorrow before the Ball!

Be excited for my Keble Ball pictures and report tomorrow! It was really fun!

Here's picture of us all looking at pictures from the Ball this afternoon. We spent a good two hours looking at everyone's and laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Balls, we so love balls. Anticipating the pictures. Love, Aunt Bubble
