Friday, April 30, 2010

Fifth Week-First Week of Tutorials

Wow! This week marks the end of my first week of tutorials! It was a long week because my one seminar class, Shakespeare for non-majors, ran over into this week too. I had a paper due on Macbeth on Monday and our portfolio for that class due on Monday too, but she extended them both to Thursday at midnight so we could correct more of our papers!

My first tutorial was on Friday and I had a paper due for it Thursday at midnight with a list of reading to do. So on Monday I found the Sackler Library and checked my books out. Most of the other libraries in Oxford do not allow readers (aka students) to borrow books, but Sackler, the classics library, does. I'm the only UGA student using that library so I try not to brag too much because everyone has to hole up in a library and read all day long, whereas I can read in my room, outside, in a pub or wherever. I finished my papers up after working all week on english and prehistoric Europe and turned everything in at midnight on Thursday.

My tutorial on Friday went really well. My tutor's name is Wendy Morrison (I just googled for that website for y'all. Enjoy creeping on my tutor) and she is really nice. She liked my first paper a lot, which is a relief because she said in her email to me that first papers are usually rough for American students because we write in a different style. Tutorials can be really awkward because your tutor will ask you a question, sit there in silence, and stare you down as you sweat, fidget and attempt to answer it. V

My second tutorial lady, for Roman Britain, finally contacted me and we had our meeting right after my tutorial with Wendy. She seems nice. Her name is Zena Kamash (She didn't have a nice website with a picture). I've have tutorials with her on Thursdays at noon in Magdalen (pronounce maudlin) College.

Busy week, but my weekend should be relaxing.


  1. What kind of library doesn't allow people to check out books?! Sounds like you are in the groove now. Love, Aunt Bubble

  2. I think I might enjoy reading Wendy's thesis. I'm into personal embellishment; garment wise, not tats, that is. That was neat Julia that you could send us to her website. I don't know how to do this other than "anonymous" and then it makes me copy a weird word like "hozer". Aunt Bubble
