Friday, April 9, 2010

Second Week

End of my second week here! This week I read Hamlet and concentrated on Isaiah, Amos, and Proverbs in my Old Testament class.

I received my first Old Testament paper back. Our professor, Dr. Gillingham, said our group was the first to receive such high marks on our first paper. We all got from B to A-. Some teachers here do not give As, but I think Dr. Gillingham will. She likes my paper (and style of writing too) much better than my english teacher likes my papers for her class.

I am still waiting for my Henry IV paper back. My teacher has been sick so it's taking her awhile.

This weekend I am going to Bath on Saturday and then working all day Sunday. I have 3 papers due next week. One is due on Monday (on Hamlet), one on Tuesday (on Amos and Isaiah) and then one is due on Wednesday (on As You Like It). Busy! Luckily after Wednesday I am done with class for the week, so I am going to visit all of the museums in Oxford that I have not had a chance to go into yet.

Eagle and Child pictures below from last weekend (Saturday):


  1. So glad your OT teacher likes your style. You just have to discover what each one is looking for. What's the story behind the name Eagle and Child? Have fun at the museums. Love, Aunt Bubble

  2. The Eagle and Child is where J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis and the rest of the Inklings met to discuss their books.
