Monday, April 12, 2010

Keble College

Here are some pictures of my college, Keble College. Apparently when it was built people wanted to tear it down because it was built in red brick and everything else is this wishy-washy sandstone color. However, all of the intelligent people ignored them and we still have these gorgeous buildings. I have to go into the Chapel soon and take some pictures.

This is the dining hall.

For dinner they serve us. And for every meal they clear our plates away. I'm going to be spoiled when I go home and have to clear the table again. I'll try and steal a picture when formal dinner starts and we have to wear our robes. And then for formal Sunday dinners a choir serenades us or signs the prayer or something.


  1. Dining hall - shades of Harry Potter!!
    So glad you got to Bath. Remember that neat place we ate when we were there? Delicious bread. Aunt Bubble

  2. Love the dining hall and Keble College is very pretty.
    Love, MOM
