Saturday, April 24, 2010


We went to the Globe Theatre to see Macbeth on Sunday for my english class, but everyone was required to go. Some people were not pleased because our tutorials were starting in the upcoming week and everyone had way too much work to do. And the weather was nasty. Not to mention that they didn't buy enough actual sitting seats for everyone and some us (myself included) had to stand up in the yard for the whole play. It was kinda neat to stand up the entire time because we had to stand under this black tarp and stick our heads through the holes. We were poor souls in the underworld. It was a very good production and I enjoyed it immensely.

We passed St. Peter's on the way.

I was really excited to walk across the Millennium Bridge. You should recognize as the bridge that the Death Eaters blow up in Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince movie.

We had to wait for the play to start.

Rachel and I were not excited about our seats.

The Globe

Inside of the Globe


  1. Didn't that bridge get destroyed in the last harry potter?

  2. Excellent pout about the seats. I would have not have been happy. Neat you got to the Globe Theatre. Love, Aunt Bubble

  3. I had to look twice to see the heads poking up through the black tarp.

