Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Lake District, Friday

This weekend Rachel and I went to the Lake District of England. We met up with our friends Sarah Smith and Sarah Conkin there. The Lake District is really popular for the poets and authors that lived there; it's also a popular vacation spot because of the beautiful scenery and lake activities. My friends are english majors so they were really excited. I just went because I like water and pretty scenery (not so much of).

Rachel and I left Oxford at 3:30 on Friday and arrived at our hostel at 11 pm! The train system was kinda messed up and we were delayed two hours in Birmingham. Luckily the train station is directly across Keats from the Bullring shopping center-the center I hung out in when I was on my pilgrimage in 9th grade. So Rachel and I wandered around there for a bit and ate some dinner since we had so much extra time on our hands. We had some delicious sushi from Yo! Sushi. It's a chain restaurant, one of those where the sushi comes by on a conveyer belt and you just pick up what you want. It was REALLY yummy! We finally got to Windermere and took a taxi to our hostel because the buses stop running at night (lame). Our taxi driver was really nice and our hostel was wonderful! Enjoy Friday's pictures below.

Excited to go!
Birmingham Selfridges
The Selfridges has a gourmet food section where they had some "American Food". I especially liked the Lucky Charms section because apparently the cereal is so unhealthy, it has to be imported separately.
Bullring Shopping Center Statues
Yo! Sushi
Almost there! One more train station to go! We had to wait at Oxenholme for a hour and in that hour the sun set, so it was dark when we pulled into Windermere
We had a private train to Windermere. Because that's how we roll.
Rachel calling people to figure out if we could still catch a bus. But then we couldn't.
Our hostel room. It was private-very nice! The bed was actually more comfortable than the bed at the UGA house.
Never take pictures at 11:30 at night. The pose you think is funny just looks weird.

1 comment:

  1. Neat trip, Julia. I hope there is a ladder at the foot of the bed and you didn't have to vault onto the top bunk. Loved the private train car. When Jessica and I took the train from the airport to Victoria Station, her first trip. We thought it was so posh. Then they came and moved us along, It was first class! How were we to know?!! Love, Aunt Bubble
